
Presented on BBC Radio 2 'Pause for Thought'

Read time: 2 mins
Listen time: 3 mins

The golden rule

Reminiscing through childhood videos, I come across a moment where my toddler son is clutching onto a toy train with all his might.

Pursuit of happiness

I used to read to my young children a bedtime story about a woodcutter and his wife who were poor, and who wished they were better off in order to be happier.

Mother’s day

One of my core memories growing up was when my mother was asked what she did for a living. She used to respond, "I'm just a housewife."

You are all my favourites

When my three children were small, I used to read them a story about three little bears. The furry creatures were very much loved. One was the only girl, one was the smallest, and one had patches. They were all different. And each of them worried: would Mummy and Daddy Bear love them as much as the other two?

Life continues

The great oak tree beyond the end of our garden is over 500 years old. It’s winter: the leaves on the oak have fallen to the ground. Well below the oak tree’s trunk are roots - strong, wide and extending unseen.

Unspoken Thoughts

Sarah came with trepidation to my local mosque open day. As I was a Muslim volunteering for the event, I welcomed her warmly. She was a lady in her fifties, who didn’t express any particular belief. She soon felt sufficiently comfortable to tell me what was on her mind.

Letting Go

Earlier this year, my eldest child, in her twenties, phoned from her all-girls flat to tell me she wanted to get married to the young man she had been getting to know. I hadn’t expected her to make that decision so soon.

That’s what Friends are for

A young woman has just come to stay in my home so she could easily get to a wedding where I happened to be also invited. We didn’t know each other well. But my doors were open – because she was my friend Sabiha’s daughter.

School’s Out for Summer

Certificates of achievement have been received. Sports day prizes have gone to the winners. It’s time to relax and do nothing.

Doing The Right Thing

I asked my 4-year old daughter Safiyya to find a toy to give to charity, for a collection happening in our area. Safiyya got busy in her bedroom, rummaging through everything she had.

Winning and Losing

As a child, I’d regularly play Monopoly with my sister and brother for hours. I recall the stress. Would I have to pay lots of rent before I passed Go? Was I going to land on Park Lane and Mayfair?

Starting a New Job

I began my first day in my new role as an Analyst. I hadn’t been part of the labour market in the UK for quite a few years. I didn’t think I had the skills I needed for the position. I was pretty sure I had secured a job that was way beyond me to learn.

Changing Things for The Better

At a work dinner, one of my colleagues got up as I said goodbye. Ben, who must have been around 35, seemed to be crying. I had no idea why

Learning From The Past

My father has just celebrated a key milestone of turning 80. And so I celebrated with him – along with three generations of our family.

January Blues

I psych myself up to go on the treadmill before I start work. I run, I rest, I run a bit more, I rest again. The next day, I’ve got an early morning meeting. There’s no time for a run.

It’s The Taking Part That Counts

This is the week of an event on a global scale, with national teams coming together in groups, at a set time for a set number of days, with shared values of humanity, equality and destiny. An inclusive event, for men and women, for the able-bodied and para-athletes, now so accessible that for the first time the medals have adjustable ribbons to suit all body shapes and sizes.

Game Changers

I survey the multiple scraps of paper I’ve scribbled on – some scattered on the desk where I work, others on the floor by my bed noting my last minute reflections before I sleep. Notes to self to pick up the dry cleaning and get more milk interspersed with different things I need to let my work colleagues know about and random bits of inspiration.

If I Could Create An Emoji

I read the latest unintelligible text message from my university-age daughter, one which mixes shorthand and slang words with the odd number thrown in. I translate: Home soon. Seeing a friend first.

My Independence Day

My independence day was my wedding day. The day I planned to start wearing a headscarf.

What Makes Me Dance

At my local mosque where I was volunteering for an Open day, I was surprised by the first question a visitor asked me. A woman in her fifties enquired rather aggressively: ‘Why have Muslims banned Morris dancing?’

High-Street Heroes

For the last two years, Richard has been the manager of my local village train station. His job title was Station Ambassador.

Light In The Darkness

Although it was over two decades ago, it seems like only yesterday my first baby was due. My husband had been thinking for a while the new baby really should have a light that could be dimmed in the bedroom where they were going to sleep when a bit older.

The Most Important Man in my Life

The most important man in my life is my father. When I was young, he taught me to question – to never assume anything.